Prescribed Burning |
John has 11 years of experience and training while working for the South Carolina Forestry Commission as a Fire Warden and Regional Safety Training Officer. He has taken several courses offered by the US Forest Service for Prescribed Burning and fighting wildfires and is a SC State Certified Prescribed Fire Manager. John has burned thousands of acres over the past 30 years for private land owners in and around the Ace Basin and surrounding area. Benefits of Prescribed Fire Hazardous Fuel Reduction Fuels accumulate rapidly in pine stands and pose a serious threat from wildfire. Prescribed fire is the most practical way to reduce dangerous accumulation of combustible fuels. Wildfires that burn in areas where fuels have been reduced by prescribed fire cause less damage and are much easier to control. Wildlife Habitat Improvement Prescribed fire is highly recommended for wildlife habitat management where loblolly, shortleaf, longleaf, or slash pine is the primary over story species. Periodic fire tends to favor under story species that provide browse for wildlife. Deer, dove, quail, and turkey are some of the game species that benefit from prescribed fire. Aesthetic Appearance Enhancement Prescribed fire improves recreation and aesthetic values by increasing occurrence and visibility of flowering annuals and biennials and maintains open spaces for vistas. Native Vegetation Improvement Use of prescribed fire encouraging the new growth of native vegetation, and maintaining the many plant and animal species whose habitats depend on periodic fire. Grazing Improvement Prescribed fire improves grazing in open pine stands on the Coastal Plain by increasing availability, palatability, quality, and quantity of grasses and forbs. Seeding and Planting Preparation Prescribed fire is useful when regenerating southern pines. On open sites, prescribed fire can expose mineral soil and control competing vegetation until seedlings become established. |